DITL_132.txt Items: (3 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=181, y1=101, x2=256, y2=121 Type: 4 Info: 'Quit' 1: Bounds: x1=11, y1=12, x2=43, y2=44 Type: -96 Info: '' 2: Bounds: x1=49, y1=27, x2=257, y2=91 Type: -120 Info: 'Zone Raiders will only run on PowerPCs. This machine has a 68K based CPU.' DITL_131.txt Items: (3 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=11, y1=12, x2=43, y2=44 Type: -96 Info: '€' 1: Bounds: x1=181, y1=101, x2=256, y2=121 Type: 4 Info: 'Quit' 2: Bounds: x1=49, y1=27, x2=257, y2=91 Type: -120 Info: 'Zone Raiders cannot be run without the CD unless you do a large install. Please insert the Zone Raiders CD.' DITL_130.txt Items: (3 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=90, y1=167, x2=165, y2=187 Type: 4 Info: 'Quit' 1: Bounds: x1=11, y1=12, x2=43, y2=44 Type: -96 Info: '' 2: Bounds: x1=49, y1=27, x2=257, y2=155 Type: -120 Info: 'The disk Zone Raiders was launched from is locked. Zone Raiders cannot be run from the CD or any other locked disk. Please install it on your hard disk and launch it from there. Thank You!' DITL_129.txt Items: (3 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=90, y1=151, x2=165, y2=171 Type: 4 Info: 'Quit' 1: Bounds: x1=11, y1=12, x2=43, y2=44 Type: -96 Info: '' 2: Bounds: x1=49, y1=27, x2=249, y2=139 Type: -120 Info: 'The main screen must be at least 640 pixels wide by 480 pixels tall. Please reconfigure the screen (if possible) and re-run the application. Thank You!' DITL_128.txt Items: (3 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=88, y1=151, x2=163, y2=171 Type: 4 Info: 'Quit' 1: Bounds: x1=11, y1=12, x2=43, y2=44 Type: -96 Info: '' 2: Bounds: x1=49, y1=27, x2=245, y2=139 Type: -120 Info: 'The main screen must be set to 256 color mode. Please change the main monitor to the correct depth and re-run the application. Thank You!'